Alzheimer's prevention | Functional Medicine brain health coaching
Integrative Trauma & Resilience Therapy
Cognitive Enhancement + Expanding Conscious Awareness
Dr. Ilene Naomi Rusk is Co-Director of the Healthy Brain Program in Colorado and is coordinator of the rehabilitation and trauma treatment programs. She is also a neuropsychologist in Ontario, Canada. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham in England (Psychology, Neuropsychopharmacology) and has authored numerous papers in the areas of psychology, neuropharmacology and neuroscience in areas as diverse as cerebral palsy in children, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and the effects of neurotransmitters on behavior. She has completed two postdoctoral Fellowship positions in Neuropsychology (Royal Ottawa Hospital) and one working with neurologically impaired children (Department of Education and Science, UK Government). Dr Rusk Co-founded the Memory Loss Clinic in Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Rusk gives public lectures on the subject of the health psychology, behavioral aspects of medicine in aging and neuropsychological aspects of death and dying. She has led educational seminars and is a group facilitator in aging well and brain health. Dr Rusk is a cofounder of the Death Café in Boulder County and currently serves as Community Health Education Director at The Grillo Health Information Center. She is trained in ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation, Brainspotting, EMDR, PACT and several other treatment approaches. Her emphasis is on Brainspotting as a trauma healing modality because it is a somatic and mindfulness-based technique with the capacity to expand awareness and deepen relationships with clients.
Trained by Dr Dale Bredesen and the Institute for Functional Medicine in using an integrative approach to working with cognitive decline, Dr Rusk thinks this way when she sees her patients. She incorporates these root-cause strategies to into her resiliency approach to cognitive health. She believes that creating flexibility in the nervous system and building emotional resilience can be achieved through trauma resolution and and a mindfulness-based approach to brain health.

Trainings & How I Work
David Grand-Brainspotting level 1 and 2
Julie Greene EMDR Level 1 and 2
Stan Tatkin, PsyD- A Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy
Bob Scaer, MD, Ruby Gibson, Phd, Dale Bredesen, MD
Institute for Functional Medicine - Reversal of Cognitive Decline
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery
Institute for Functional Medicine AFMCP
Trauma and Resilience Psychotherapist
Functional Brain Health Coach
Community Health Educator
Neuropsychologist (Ontario, Canada)
Applied Polyvagal Theory for Trauma-Informed Yoga
Vagal Toning
Somatic Psychotherapy Training
We walk with you through a healing journey. We are a mixed team including a functional brain health coach, fellowship-trained neuropsychologists, a sleep specialist and cognitive trainer and several somatic trauma psychotherapists. We work with Alzheimer's prevention, with founders + professionals who want to optimize longevity, people with concussions, with chronic illness and neurologic illness, and patients who have been in auto accidents. We are an integrative neuropsychological practice offering expert diagnostic, forensic and memory assessments, treatment, and consulting services to individuals across the lifespan. Our treatments include help with driving anxiety, trauma depression, sleep issues and cognitive challenges. We have seen over 10,000 patients and been serving Colorado and out-of-state patients since 1985. The doctors and trauma therapists at the Clinic have a strong reputation for providing the highest level of expertise in the assessment and treatment of a broad spectrum of neurological and mental health conditions. Our neuropsychologists have each completed extensive University-based Fellowship training in Clinical Neuropsychology. The Brain and Behavior Clinic offers experience, scientific knowledge, and compassionate care to neuropsychologically impaired patients and their families. Our specialty is forensic work. Our hearts are in the right place, and we help our patients to flourish and thrive even in the midst of challenges.
To learn more visit us at our dedicated Brain and Behavior Clinic website healthybrain.clinic

Dr. Patricia Henry brings 25 years of experience and ongoing education to her work in functional and anti-aging medicine. She is credentialed as an Advanced Fellow in Anti-aging, Regenerative, and Functional Medicine from the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine/Metabolic Medicine Institute. Dr Henry has worked as a critical care nurse at Johns Hopkins and was cofounder of Henry Chiropractic and Back Rehabilitation. For the last 20 years she has focused specifically on the direct application of nutrition, functional medicine and anti-aging lifestyle. strategies, currently through Optimal Longevity, LLC. She also holds a Brain Fitness certification from the A4M. She is trained in the Bredesen Protocol and by Dr. Datis Kharrazian. Additionally she has trained with Dr. Ben Lynch in methylgenomics. Pat is an avid organic gardener, primal food gourmet, and a consistent, participant in the Colorado fitness lifestyle.
Dr. Stephen Schmitz is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and the founder and Clinical Director of The Brain and Behavior Clinic. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1985 and was then awarded a 2 year post doctoral fellowship position in Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, studying under the direction of Dr. Robert Heaton.

Dr. Mark Zacharewicz joined The Brain and Behavior Clinic in 1997 after working for three years in a general Neuropsychology practice in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Prior to that position he had completed a two year post-doctoral fellowship appointment in Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, working under the direction of Dr. Charles Matthews, an internationally distinguished academician and neuropsychologist. Dr. Zacharewicz helped initiate the pioneering Memory Disorders Clinic at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and he developed a number of Dementia Clinics and a clinic for Attention Deficit Disorders while in Arkansas. Dr. Zacharewicz possesses a vast knowledge of the scientific foundations of neuropsychological assessment and diagnosis and is particularly skilled in providing expert testimony in forensic matters. He has a great deal of experience evaluating the neuropsychological aspects of a variety of general medical and psychiatric conditions and in conducting competency evaluations. Dr. Zacharewicz is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, and is a past-president of the Colorado Neuropsychological Society.
Doreen works with adults and children who would like help with trauma relief and recovery. She well trained in DBT and cognitive and behavioral approaches to stress reduction, relaxation training and psychological health, Doreen has much success working with people who have had automobile accidents, head injuries and those with chronic illnesses. As she works directly with a positive approach to behavioural change, she also helps people manage intense emotions & feelings of hopelessness which can sometimes make change difficult. Doreen is very experienced with EMDR to treat past trauma, and combining her DBT experience with her EMDR Levels 1 and 2 training expedites the healing process. She is, additionally, the only therapist in Colorado offering DBT for children and their parents, especially those who have PANS/PANDAS or those with behavioural dysregulation and chronic illness. She is extensively trained through Behavioral Tech and the Linehan Institute.

Angela Eastvold completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Utah, with an internship at the University of Florida, specializing in neuropsychology. She subsequently completed a two-year fellowship at the James A. Haley Veteran’s Administration in Tampa, Florida, where she received two years of specialized training in brain injury and epilepsy. Dr. Eastvold is board certified in clinical neuropsychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). Dr. Eastvold was formerly an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of Utah. She has extensive experience evaluating adults with a wide range of neurologic and psychiatric disorders, including neurodegenerative disease (various dementia syndromes, movement disorders), epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders, stroke, brain tumor or cancer. Her primary expertise is brain injury. She has served as an independent consultant to professional sports teams for over a decade, assisting team physicians with return-to-play decision making after a concussion. She is currently in private practice, providing neuropsychological evaluations and consultation in clinical, civil, and criminal matters. She also provides psychotherapy to individuals with somatization or conversion disorders. Dr. Eastvold is passionate about brain health, longevity, and helping people maximize their functioning and overall well being.
Shane Niemeyer’s expertise in precision wellness and physiology stems from his own heroic journey. He is an author, captivating speaker, and skilled integrated physical coach who incorporates science, humor, and experience to curate training and education for our patients which highlights the link between physical health, brain health, and emotional wellness. Shane skillfully helps people embody healthy movement, and incorporates the latest in personalized fitness physiology for patients with cognitive problems and those who want to optimize their longevity and performance. He and Dr. Rusk created a fully integrated fitness program which they utilize which their patients.
He is a loving and devoted father to his two boys and a respected leader in the fitness community.